Life Continues to Life: 'Finding Felicity ENCORE' - and Other Things - Postponed Until 8/5

Close-up of a Latina with dark hair in a ponytail mid-sentence talking into a camera.
Teresa in a reel on the Pomonok Entertainment Instagram feed.

Hello, friends!

Just a mini-update to let you all know that things have been a bit tumultuous on the personal side of things for me the past couple of weeks, and I'm currently in New York staying at the home of a sick friend who recently got out of the hospital for a week to try and help out as best I can.

As I explained in my reel on Team Pomonok's Instagram earlier, even getting Monday's Finding Felicity ENCORE up took some doing. So, we won't be releasing any new Finding Felicity until Monday, August 5th.

This doesn't impact our ALL-NEW EPISODE coming September 27th, however, so don't you fret about that!

Also, my trip and current goings-on will effect our weekly and monthly newsletters. All of that will resume next week as well.

If you haven't already, go listen to the episodes of Finding Felicity we've released so far, or check out stuff like an excerpt from the first installment of our fiction project, Seventy-Nine. And if you're so inclined, upgrade to one of our paid subscription tiers!

One day, I will have the perfect workflow, and a team to help me. Until then, I'm grateful for your support and understanding.

Thank you,
